Two years after the events of the Fourth Great Ninja War, the moon that Hagoromo Otsutsuki created long ago to seal away the Gedo Statue begins to descend towards the world, threatening to become a meteor that would destroy everything on impact. Amidst this crisis, a direct descendant of Kaguya Otsutsuki named Toneri Otsutsuki attempts to kidnap Hinata Hyuga but ends up abducting her younger sister Hanabi. Naruto and his allies now mount a rescue mission before finding themselves embroiled in a final battle to decide the fate of everything.

  • The Last: Naruto the Movie -- an epic in miniature, a fantasy all the more poignant for its moral realities -- makes this a lesson worth learning.

  • The directors Paul and Chris Weitz -- the American Pie brothers -- have tried hard not to make a tearjerker, and at its best the movie is knowing and tart.

  • Despite its impressive visual displays in hour one, the film quickly falters in the second half thanks in part to a bland cast stuck in some very silly subplots.

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